2023-08-25 10:28

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CWU H&S Dept Issue Royal Mail Group Updated Coronavirus/Covid-19
FAQ And Guidance Document (Version 85)

Dave Joyce, CWU's National Health, Safety and Envirnment Officer's letter to branches (LTB135/21) provides a PDF of the Royal Mail Group, Managers’ Coronavirus/Covid-19 Frequently Asked Questions and Answers Guidance document, version 85, issued by the business on 26 March 2021.

At the commencement of the Coronavirus/Covid-19 outbreak, Royal Mail Group established a ‘Business Pandemic Team’ which includes all national heads of department and this team meets regularly to review the situation across Royal Mail Group and to issue update Questions and Answers information communications to all managers, which is cascaded throughout the business.

The Coronavirus Guidance, version 85 Q&A document has been shared with the Union’s Health, Safety & Environment Department and is hereby circulated for information and reference purposes for CWU Regions, Health and Safety Reps, Branch Reps and Divisional IR Reps.

The Q&A documents are circulated to all RMG managers and are also available to access through a link on the Royal Mail Group ‘Intranet’, in the ‘Managers Update Messages’ section.

Please note that when update changes and additions are made from the previous versions, they are normally highlighted in ‘Yellow’.

Pic: Click to download the Covid Q&A document in PDF formatPartial Contents List:



b.Self-isolation, testing and reporting

c.Cleaning and consumables

d.Travele.Support and advice


a.General guidance

b.Travel/and annual holiday

c.Caring for dependants

d.Sick pay

e.Attendance process

f.Vulnerable employees

The full list of content and the Q&A section of the document can be downloaded by clicking on the pic.

Source: CWU / RMG

Pic: Bak to News icon link

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